Twitter Facebook Faceoff ► Which one do you prefer?


I’m thinking about my friends clicking in here from all over the world. How awesome is the world wide web? Shout out to the www.

Hello World Wide Web.

Today I’m talking about twitter and how hard it is to understand as least for someone like me.

I’ve had some great great comments on my facebook page. Facebook rules by the way. Twitter, well, it’s new all new to me.

Go facebook, go!

I got comments about how to use twitter since it’s such an enigma for me. David Letterman figured it out by getting a laptop and one of his techies to turn on his twitter page so he can update it during the show.

If David Letterman can use twitter, certainly I can do it too. Right?
Are you like me? Curious about new technology?

First step. I try to google twitter tips. You know what I get? More questionable information.

So for you, my friends, I’m offering you here my

Top ten reasons why I prefer facebook to twitter — so far.

1) Because I can’t figure twitter out.

2) Because one of my favorite artists, Nev, has about 22,000 twitter followers, so obviously, follow him.

3) I added a so called twitter expert to my friends list and tried to follow his instructions. He’s on my facebook account, check him out, 21 year old millionaire. Really. 😉

4) Apparently, I need to fork out cash to automatically to add friends according to the automatic instructions.

5) Nearly all articles I have read about twitter say how people don’t like twitter.

6) Celebrities are thriving on twitter. I love celebrities. I’m following them all. I can’t figure out twitter. I’m not a celebrity. Let’s do the math A + B = C No twitter followers over here, yet!

7) Writer fell asleep. No number seven. Shout out to Apple and the ipad.

*8) The boy genius expert advised me to use his software to add all followers of a famous person, well, there is no add all followers button.

I can’t even believe I spent time looking for it. Can I have my two minutes back?

9) Someone out there knows how it works. Now I am back to square one. I know my friends on facebook say leave it alone, but I cannot deny it is a big presence in social media.

I’m not a social media expert, and in fact, I’m going back to being a mom and wife. It’s much more satisfying. Lots of hugs and kisses, and unexpected words.

It is your turn. I am going the extra mile here kids.

11) What is your take? Do you like twitter? Do you use twitter? Is it basically another social media network? Is it a cell phone application? The people who are bloggers with lots of twitter followers, do you think they did it by using automatic applications that tweet for them?

As always, thanks for following. I love my readers. You guys are awesome. Hope your day is beautiful and filled with love.

Thanks for leaving commenting. I appreciate it.

19 thoughts on “Twitter Facebook Faceoff ► Which one do you prefer?

  1. Hmm… stepping out on a huge limb here but I think anyone who has 1000’s of followers and isn’t famous is on the narcissitic side. I know we all have a bit of narcism in us but if you are paying to automatically add friends and aren’t a business that is just silly. It screams “look at me” and is a huge turn off to me. I am using twitter as just another means to update my friends/followers of what I am up to. And for those who want to know what is being written about a certain subject, say Italian cooking.

    I think twitter was more of a cell phone app and not a computer thing in the beginning. But more bloggers are using it to promote their blogs. And if you aren’t too obnoxious in those actions, then ok, go right ahead. But please don’t just post over and over again. I learned to post my newest blog post link 3 times during the day on twitter, that way my followers don’t get tired of seeing my stuff.
    Since you gave us a soapbox, I am going to vent about one other twitter issue. It’s just as bad on blogs, it’s when you get a direct message from someone and it’s an automatic-type worded message that directs you to their blog in an impersonal way. I hate commenters who do that as well. They are so rude.

  2. I’m just the opposite: I loathe Facebook, and adore Twitter!

    With you on the immortality. Count me in. All in.

  3. Hey! I know twitter can have a huge learning curve for sure.
    Check out’s twitter stuff…especially their guide book area. Lots of good stuff and AHA! moments to be had. There are also plugins for self hosted wordpress blogs that will tweet your new posts automatically. I’d wait on things like that until you get twitter down a bit more. Also…things like Tweetdeck and Hootsuite make tweeting easier and help you sort out the tweets from those your following into something you can manage better. I prefer Tweetdeck, but try them both out to find what works for you.
    Hope some of this helps. I ❤ twitter.. some might call me a twit-aholic LOL

  4. Ahh thanks Gurl. That was so nice of you to point me in the right direction. Today I felt like I was starting to get a hold of this new stuff. I’m a true learn by doing kind of person. I’ll check out mashable, who seems to be a leader.

    Have a great one. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.


    1. My pleasure! If you need any help, just ask…I am not an expert but I know a few things 😉 Hope you have a wonder day as well and thx for the follow on twitter!

  5. I’m with Dave on this one. I think of Facebook as a necessary time-drain, with too many moving targets and too much noise.

    I’ve found it easier to develop new relationships and friendships on Twitter than on Facebook, and I like having to keep the tweets short. Michelle, I like your idea of posting the link 3 times…I’ve been wondering what the magic number is. 🙂

    Tweetdeck did not get along well with my computer. I’m using Hootsuite, and I LOVE it. I’d love ubertwitter for my phone, but they don’t make it for Palm, so I use Twee with limited success.

    I’m also no expert, but if you have questions, I’ll be happy to give you my thoughts. I’m @picsiechick.

    Hugs and buttterflies,

  6. I’m not so into twitter Julie…and I hardly log in….guess the photo element is missing. Also i think twitter words better if you use a cell phone?

    anyway Julie I just love this line you posted cos it totally speaks to me…i need to learn this pronto:

    “Sσmetimes in order to be нαρρy in тнє present moment you have to be wiℓℓing to give up αℓℓ hope for a better past.”

  7. I go for Facebook (minus the tons and tons of applications). Others may find it really amusing to have a wide variety of apps but not me. I do have a twitter account too but I don’t get to log in as often as I do in facebook. I guess I just miss the “interaction” part in twitter.

  8. Oh I don’t have a twitter account. I thought it’s just like facebook’s status update without everything else. And I thought, well I have facebook’s statuses….so why duplicate? However, almost everyone swears by it and many testified that Twitter helped widen their network tremendously, in the social media at least. Maybe I will start one in the future….just not now…. 🙂

  9. I can just about understand Facebook but Twitter remains something orbiting in deep space and far from my understanding. I’ve not got much from twitter and don’t really know how it works.

  10. not always on twitter but I like it for instant information especially on breaking news. Twitter definitely has the news from citizen reporters faster than the newspapers, which is the best thing about it. It’s also nice for when you’re feeling lonely and just want to write one line to somebody out there 🙂

  11. I always prefer Facebook, cause twitter is like an public machine, since everyone has the twitter app on their phones now.

    Twitter is a mystery to me.

  12. hhhhmmmm i too can’t figure twitter out; its too complex for my simple mind. But am on it anyway, i find it a bit more professional-like.I love facebook; i can still see who is doing what where and with who!

  13. I am completely addicted to facebook. I don’t use twitter because, like you, I can;t figure it out. But my mom uses it all the time…

  14. It’s me again. I know, as do you, that I should be able to use Twitter, but I fail hopelessly. I mean completely hopelessly to make any sense of it. I use Facebook to keep in touch with friends and family, but I’m not much good. To be honest I am hopeless (that word again ) at contacting people or reaching out to them for professional purposes only 😦

  15. I have a twitter account, but trust me twitter is more like a pseudo-intellectual pool. Everyone trying so hard to be witty can be too much at times to digest. oh and its also a bit like high school, people grouping up with the ‘important’ types to corner one unfortunate soul. Facebook I liked in the beginning, but its privacy glitches and intentional loopholes by fb admin give me serious concerns regarding its usage. I sometimes miss the non-social-media 90s..a lot

  16. I’m not on FB – been holding out for years and still convinced I don’t want it – but have a twitter account I still have no idea how to use. I check it on and off haha 🙂 Your post is comforting. I’ll get back to figuring out twitter one day. Right now I’m on a more interesting learning curve with wordpress – uphill steep but managing somehow to keep chugging along 🙂

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