10 Insider Tips To Start Your Day Off Right

1) Put your best foot forward.

Regardless of how many mistakes you have made in the past, today is a new day. Just by making a decision now, you can make your dreams come true by believing in yourself.

Think of the adage of the train who said I think I can I think I can.

Before you know it, you can overcome obstacles.

2) Overcoming obstacles.

How do I overcome obastacles? It is all about the way you view them. There is always a good side to every story. When a door closes a window opens. What could be good? Opportunity. The world is your oyster. There are infinite possibilities. Look at your obstacles as stepping stones to your future.

3) The world is your oyster.

God gave us this wonderful life so we could live it to it’s fullest. Now is your opportunity to live life to its fullest, love and learn.

4) Make attainable goals.


Out with the lists of stopping smoking, losing weight and getting rid of old habits. In with the lists of positive choices. Choose a healthy lifestyle that includes rest, relaxation, good food, exercise, abundance, lots of water and happiness. Make your goals to be state driven.

That means desiring what you have.

Set yourself up to play a winning game.

5) Have state driven goals.

It’s not the money that makes us happy, it’s what that money can buy. Let’s just jump over this hurdle and stop wanting more money. Start to have happiness in the terms of joy, love and peace of mind. You have all that you need in this moment.

6) Be the change you desire in the world.

Instead of complaining about what is wrong, start finding what is right and then start acting how you want to be. Decide to avoid any self negative talk. Your mind can hear you and it might just believe what it hears.

7) Model good behavior

So your not perfect, neither am I. But I do try. I set myself out to be the best I can be. At times I don’t know what good behavior is like so I find someone who I think is doing it right and I try to do it just like them.

*8) Be sensible my dear child

Get a good night’s sleep, drink lots of water, do some exercise, eat well and hug someone.

One thing I’ve learned is to moderate behavior. Make good choices because you think they are sensible, not based on desire or feeding immediate impulses. Be thankful for what you have.

9) Go green.

Go green.

Start talking about recycling and then do it. Start dividing your trash into paper, plastics, glass and organic waste and then deposit them in the appropriate bins.

10) Laugh

Sometimes laughter is the best medicine. Dedicate some time of your day to things that make you happy, like love, family and friends.

Remember, live life with passion as if it were your last and first day. Live life as you were looking through the eyes of a child. All things are possible through God.

15 thoughts on “10 Insider Tips To Start Your Day Off Right

  1. I’ve really enjoyed reading your articles. You obviously know what you are talking about! Your site is so easy to navigate too, I’ve bookmarked it in my favourites. 😀

  2. Pingback: Val Kinder
  3. Number 4 is definitely the most valuable in my opinion. It is best to set a goal that you know you can reach if you work towards it. That way, when you finally accomplish the goal, you feel very rewarded and proud of yourself.

  4. I love the idea of playing a winning game. I also need to stop my internal negative monologue. Thanks for the reminder Julie 🙂

  5. I read your post and i really enjoyed it. This tips are so helpful for the readers. And I’m sure they learned something from this blog.

  6. Thanks for the info, it was helpful. I loved the inspiration you provide here. Somedays we just need to be reminded. I also checked out your book, Zero to Blog and loved it. I’m going to recommend it to my friends.

  7. These are some good tips 🙂 I agree with number one that you can overcome obstacles. It’s true what you wrote about the window opening when a door closes. It’s nice to be reminded. I love your ebook too. That was so inspirational.

    Thank you.

  8. I like the word ‘balance’ when it comes to leading a good life. I think happiness comes through learning to balance many things. Free time versus work time, exercise and lazy time, indulging on good food, spending and splurging and family time and me time! Now if only I could figure out HOW to balance all these things I’d be a very happy (and rich) woman

  9. No. 5) is just right! When I was at my lowest, I said “I just want to be happy. That is all.” What I learned is that it is achieved by working with what’s inside….and here I am! Goal achieved! 😀

  10. I always love these posts popping up again and getting some new sunlight. I often think of posts I’ve written some time ago that never get a look in these days. To be plucked from obscurity and given a fresh moment of glory mst be heatwarming for them. As to the post itself, “Achievable Goals” is always one of my biggies. Overfacing yourself is a great way not to even start on the trail

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